Rajasekhar Katakamsetty

Full-stack Web Developer (Rails/React)


Bootstrap, C, C++, COBOL, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Oracle DBA, PL/Sql, Rails, React, Redux, Ruby, Unix, Unix Admin

Projects During Microverse Course

(H) Projects hosted on Heroku are not operational now

My Facebook (H)

This is a web app similar to Facebook designed to look and function almost as original Facebook. A visitor can post messages, pictures, comment and like others' posts, send and accept friend requests. Built using Ruby/RubyOnRails/Bootstrap.

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, CSS

Weather App

A weather app that pulls from the OpenWeatherMap API to get the forecast in cities worldwide. Built with JavaScript.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Promises

ToDo List App

App that creates a list of projects and a list of ToDos in each project. ToDos can be added, edited, or deleted.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Fly Safe

A video game where a player has to maneuver a plane avoiding the birds that come his way. Built using Phaser 3 Game Engine, JavaScript, and Promises.

Technologies: HTML, Phaser, JavaScript, Promises

Calculator (H)

This App works as a calculator. It takes input by mouse clicks and makes calculations and displays the result on the screen.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap

Recipe Store (H)

This App retrieves recipe data from 'The Meal DB' website using their API and displays on the screen. A visitor can select recipes choosing a category and view the details of each recipe by clicking on the recipe card. Built using React/Redux.

Technologies: React, Redux

Tracker App (H)

This app keeps track of the progress of a user's technical training program. It accepts the data about the modules covered against the set targets and shows the details date-wise and progress is shown using a circular progress bar. This app is front-end that stores and retrieves data from a back-end the data is stored in a backend (which is a different repo called 'trackit-server'.

Technologies: Rails API, React, Redux

For earlier tech experience view my Resume